Tuesday, January 15, 2013


There are two very unfortunate events that happened recently ,
 1. The Delhi gang rape.
 2.  Death of a great internet activist.

I will not go into details about these events as they have been well documented , but both of these had a common thread : Non violent protests where people vented out their pent up anger against the establishment and challenged the status quo.

In both cases the battle hasn't been won , rather its going to be a long drawn one. But its heartening to see it happen.

I have also noticed a certain section of people who believe that this is just an emotional outburst and in a few days people will be back to their busy lives :  Conference room meetings , Stock market crashes , Mortgage foreclosures , Photo Filters, 140 characters of wisdom , commenting about the layer of snow on their window panes and other such important stuff. Do I blame them ? Hell no !

How can I ?

I am one of them. I have always been skeptical about such protests . Why ? I have no clue , may be because I am an eternal pessimist , may be because I don't have the courage and conviction, may be because its just plain laziness . I don't have an answer . Sorry, I digress.

But today something made me realize how big a jerk I am. You dont need to be a Bruce Wayne to bring about a change. You just need three things  : Belief , Patience & Balls.

I am pretty sure am not gonna change just because of this (pessimism you see) , but I would like to believe that self realization is the first step and a very important one.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

To whom it may concern.

Dear Anna , 

Where are you ? We miss you !!

Not so long ago you were everywhere . Prime time TV , T shirts , bill boards, Facebook , Radio and you name it .You were here to save us from this corrupt world and boy did everyone like you !

So far so good. So are you wondering what happened ? 

1. You were projected as the next Gandhi , the savior of India . Like the terminator that came down to earth to help Sarah conner ( read Ms Bedi ).  And what did they say ???? "Anna is India , India is Anna '.Whoa …..too much I say . In a country of 1.25 billion ..how many knew about your existence even 1 year back ? Well you know the answer ! When you try to fill a shoe which is way beyond what you are capable of,  you will soon find yourself out of depth . 

2. To say that many of your friends lack credibility will be an understatement. 

3. You fought with our own people . People elected by us in one of the best examples of democracy that you will find in the world. Why not have a healthy debate and win the argument ?

4. Most of young guns trusted you initially . For them it was something they had never experienced  before . It gave them a sense of accomplishment , some thing away from the rat race . But then thats it . When you are always working against a deadline and when your priorities are your EMI , your credit card bill , sending some money to your parents at the end of the month and checking out the latest iPhone :  Paying a traffic cop 50 bucks , you think they give a shit ? You missed the point that these people were not from an oppressed India and their patience has not reached the tipping point yet. 

I swear that next time I hear Arnab Goswami wasting everyones time describing your heroics in Ram leela maidan , I will go on an indefinite fast. 

Not faithfully nor sincerely , 
Not a fan of yours 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Just for the sake of it !

I don't get into arguments that often these days . Partly because I don't like it and mostly I have realized that I am not great at it . But one thing I enjoy the most is observing people argue .

Mostly you will find either of the following two types in an argument : One who is intellectual , will be calm and will put forth his points with sufficient data to back it up and then there are others who just get away with some random gyan .

The one between two random's is an interesting one . Its pure entertainment . Its like watching a match between Kournikova and Sharapova . No matter how hard you try to pretend that its tennis what you are interested in , you know what the truth is.

The argument between the two intellectuals is like a game of chess unfolding . Nothing is explicit and you have to find the hidden meanings in the conversation . You might even find it difficult to understand why it started and how and when the hell it ended . Also there will be an uneasy calm and seldom you will find a heated argument .

The one between a radom and the intellectual is even more fun . Its like listening to Ghazal and Rock in Tandem. While each one is unique in its own way the fusion is not always great !

Well …what's my type ???? hmmmmm

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

long time no c!

Its been really long since i visited this space, I almost forgot that I had such a blog space , well guess its time to express myself again ......so I plan to post atleast two blogs every month .....hope I can write something intresting ....well why I wrote this post ....just to get the ball rolling !

Friday, April 24, 2009

What an Idea Sirjee!!!

Recently there is an innovative marketing blitz going on in advertisement by Idea. They are giving away the personal mobile numbers of the IPL Team members, so that the lesser mortals like us can give our advice or shower our adulation on the so called idols. So When I saw sachin's number on the screen I could not resist but give a call to the legend himself.

And with great excitement and anticipation I decided to call.........

My call number 1
I got the number around late evening .Cant deny that there was a sense of nervousness but some how I dialled the number. ..but again saw the time, on second thoughts I just cut the call.
It was not approriate to call him at that time of the day(rather night ...) right ?

My call number 2
April 24th, Sachins Bday , so I thought might as well wish him and give him some free advice too , this time a bit more confident ....the number got through ..

"Mein sachin bol raha hoon, mein ab apka call nahi le sakta kyon ki mein fielding practice mein busy hoon"

Gosh ...I just heard Sachin himself ...so what it was just a prerecorded voice message. Could not help but admire this man's dedication.Now how many people will slog out even on thier Bday's.

My call number 3
Now the nervousness was replaced with frustration of not being able to speak to him personally
This time dialled the number with the confidence as if I was calling one of my "4 am" buddies. I called around 5 am in the morning thinking I will wake him up for his fielding practice. But again got to hear the same message. Fielding practice you know.....

The calls continued and each time my frustration grew..Once I called him while he was batting during one of the matches. I was considerate enough to call when he was at the non-strikers end. But still got the damn message ... busy with fielding practice .!!

Nevertheless am still hopefull...

As I write this I got a message on my cell reminding of my my pending bill payment.

What an Idea sirjee!!!